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BES Up To 2022 $250-$5000 Products - (161414 Products)

2P360-1400-PA 1630 14mm FL Straight Center Cut w/Cylindrical Shank

Item #: FF822P366260139
Manufacturer: Sandvik Coromant
Mfg #: 6260139

Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Sandvik Coromant •Coating: TiAlN •For Use With: ISO P •Grade: 1630 •Material: Solid Carbide •Model Number: 2P360-1400-PA 1630 •Shank Type: Cylindrical •Size: 14mm •Trade Name: CoroMill Plura Optimized


Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .4900


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5/8" Dia. - 3-1/4" LOC - 6" OAL - 5 FL Carbide S/E HP End Mill-AlCrN-X

Item #: DD4065401
Manufacturer: Imco
Mfg #: 65401

Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Imco •Coating: AlCrN-X •Flute Length: 3-1/4 •For Use With: Stainless Steel, Titanium, Carbon Steels •Material: Solid Carbide •Number of Flutes: 5 •Overall Length: 6 •Radius: None •Shank Diameter: 5/8 •Shank Type: Round Shank •Size: 5/8 •Style: Extra Long •Trade Name: M525 enDURO •Type: Single End

•Advanced cutting geometries •High strength corner radii •IMCO's proprietary heat resistant coating •h6 Shank tolerance for shrink fit holders

Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .8662


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3/4x3/4x1x3-1/4x5-1/4 4FL Square Carbide End Mill-Weldon Shank-TiAlN

Item #: WK402837146
Manufacturer: Widia
Mfg #: 2837146

Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Widia •Coating: TiAlN •Flute Length: 1 •Length Below Shank: 3-1/4 •List No.: 4VN5 •Material: Carbide •Model Number: TF4VN519017 •Neck Diameter: .705 •Number of Flutes: 4 •Overall Length: 5-1/4 •Radius: None •Shank Diameter: 3/4 •Shank Type: Weldon •Size: 3/4 •Trade Name: Varimill •Type: Inch


Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - 1.0494


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20mm Dia. - 42mm LOC - 104mm OAL - 1mm CR 7FL Carbide End Mill - AlCrNx

Item #: DD4266474
Manufacturer: Imco
Mfg #: 66474

Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Imco •Coating: AlCrNX •Flute Length: 42mm •Material: Solid Carbide •Number of Flutes: 7 •Overall Length: 104mm •Radius: 1mm •Shank Diameter: 20mm •Size: 20mm •Style: Single End •Trade Name: M527 enDURO

•Advanced cutting edge design for higher metal removal in hard-to-machine materials •Unique vibration dampening geometry for maximum tool stability •Specifically designed to run wet or dry on today's high speed, high efficiency machines •40° Helix •AlCrNX Coating

Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .9990


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20mm Dia. - 42mm LOC - 104mm OAL - 1.5mm CR 7FL Carbide End Mill - AlCrNx

Item #: DD4266475
Manufacturer: Imco
Mfg #: 66475

Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Imco •Coating: AlCrNX •Flute Length: 42mm •Material: Solid Carbide •Number of Flutes: 7 •Overall Length: 104mm •Radius: 1.5mm •Shank Diameter: 20mm •Size: 20mm •Style: Single End •Trade Name: M527 enDURO

•Advanced cutting edge design for higher metal removal in hard-to-machine materials •Unique vibration dampening geometry for maximum tool stability •Specifically designed to run wet or dry on today's high speed, high efficiency machines •40° Helix •AlCrNX Coating

Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .9990


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16X16X48X110 TAC

Item #: DD4461779
Manufacturer: Imco
Mfg #: 61779

Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Imco


Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .7000


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16mm Dia. - 108mm OAL - 3 FL Variable Helix Bright Carbide End Mill

Item #: GD1634730160000
Manufacturer: Guhring
Mfg #: 9034730160

Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Guhring •Coating: Bright •Flute Length: 22mm •Helix Angle: Variable •Material: Carbide •Number of Flutes: 3 •Overall Length: 108mm •Shank Diameter: 16mm •Shank Type: Weldon •Size: 16mm


Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - 1.4313


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5/8 x 5/8 x 2-3/16 x 4-1/2 x .060 Rad 9 Flute End Mill IPT9-AlCrNX Coated

Item #: DD4463963
Manufacturer: Imco
Mfg #: 63963

Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Imco •Flute Length: 2-3/16 •Flute Length x Diameter Ratio: 3.5xD •Number of Flutes: 9 •Overall Length: 4-1/2 •Radius: .060 •Shank Diameter: 5/8 •Size: 5/8 •Trade Name: IPT9-CR Pow.R.Path

•AlCrNX coated •Increased feed rates and excellent surface finish •Unique design runs up to 3.5X the tool diameter deep, generating high metal removal rates

Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .7265


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20mm Dia. - 42mm LOC - 104mm OAL - 0.5mm CR 7FL Carbide End Mill - AlCrNx

Item #: DD4266473
Manufacturer: Imco
Mfg #: 66473

Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Imco •Coating: AlCrNX •Flute Length: 42mm •Material: Solid Carbide •Number of Flutes: 7 •Overall Length: 104mm •Radius: 0.5mm •Shank Diameter: 20mm •Size: 20mm •Style: Single End •Trade Name: M527 enDURO

•Advanced cutting edge design for higher metal removal in hard-to-machine materials •Unique vibration dampening geometry for maximum tool stability •Specifically designed to run wet or dry on today's high speed, high efficiency machines •40° Helix •AlCrNX Coating

Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .9990


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16.0 6FL 1.0R RM EM M726N

Item #: DD4069593
Manufacturer: Imco
Mfg #: 69593

Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Imco •Material: Solid Carbide •Number of Flutes: 6 •Radius: 1mm •Size: 16mm •Style: Single End •Trade Name: M726N Omega-6

•Neck relief for better clearance in deep cavities •Mills steels heat treated up to 58-62 HRC with or without coolant •Five or six high strength flutes for maximum stablility and less chatter •50° Helix creates a high shear plane for better efficiency and chip control

Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .7000


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1" Dia. - 3" OAL - 4 FL Variable Helix Nano-A Carbide End Mill

Item #: GD1642570254000
Manufacturer: Guhring
Mfg #: 9042570254

Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Guhring •Coating: Nano-A •Flute Length: 1 •Helix Angle: Variable •Material: Carbide •Number of Flutes: 4 •Overall Length: 3 •Shank Diameter: 1 •Shank Type: Weldon •Size: 1


Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - 2.5651


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3/4 x 3/4 x 1-1/2 x 4 x 7 Flute Square 2xD Pow-R-Path Mill AlCRNX Coated-Series IPT7-SQ

Item #: DD4463572
Manufacturer: Imco
Mfg #: 63572

Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Imco •Coating: AlCrNX •Flute Length: 1-1/2 •List No.: IPT7-SQ •Material: Solid Carbide •Number of Flutes: 7 •Overall Length: 4 •Radius: None •Shank Diameter: 3/4 •Shank Type: Round Shank •Size: 3/4 •Style: Single End •Trade Name: IPT7-SQ Pow.R.Path

•Specifically designed to maximize High Efficiency Machining (HEM) techniques •Unique flute design for maximum metal removal rates •Thick core for maximum stability and tool life •40° Helix •AlCrNX Coated

Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .8500 •Dimensions - Height: 1.20 Length: 4.90 Width: 1.20


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20.0 6FL 1.0R RR EM M726

Item #: DD4069193
Manufacturer: Imco
Mfg #: 69193

Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Imco •Material: Solid Carbide •Number of Flutes: 6 •Radius: 1mm •Shank Type: Round Shank •Size: 20mm •Style: Single End •Trade Name: M726 Omega-6

•Mills steels heat treated up to 58-62 HRC with or without coolant •Optomized geometries, stronger cutting edges, superior balance •Five or six high strength flutes for maximum stability and less chatter •50° Helix creates a high shear plane for better efficiency and chip control •AlTiN-X coating

Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - 1.0500


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20mm x 20mm x 40mm x 104mm x 7 Flute Square 2xD Pow-R-Path Mill AlCRNX Coated-Series IPT7-SQ

Item #: DD4463744
Manufacturer: Imco
Mfg #: 63744

Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Imco •Coating: AlCrNX •Flute Length: 40mm •List No.: IPT7-SQ •Material: Solid Carbide •Number of Flutes: 7 •Overall Length: 104mm •Radius: None •Shank Diameter: 20mm •Shank Type: Round Shank •Size: 20mm •Style: Single End •Trade Name: IPT7-SQ Pow.R.Path

•Specifically designed to maximize High Efficiency Machining (HEM) techniques •Unique flute design for maximum metal removal rates •Thick core for maximum stability and tool life •40° Helix •AlCrNX Coated

Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .5000


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5/8 x 5/8 x 15/16 x 4 x Square 5 Flute End Mill APT5N

Item #: DD4461656
Manufacturer: Imco
Mfg #: 61656

Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Imco •Flute Length: 15/16 •Number of Flutes: 5 •Overall Length: 4 •Radius: None •Reach: 1-9/16 •Shank Diameter: 5/8 •Size: 5/8 •Trade Name: APT5N-SQ Pow.R.Path

•Added neck shank to offer a high performance tool that permits clearance in deeper cavities and easier machining against tight walls •Neck relief and short flute length combine to increase end mill stability in the cut for more precise tolerances •Great for work in pockets

Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .5785


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20.0 6FL 1.5R RR EM M726

Item #: DD4069194
Manufacturer: Imco
Mfg #: 69194

Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Imco •Material: Solid Carbide •Number of Flutes: 6 •Radius: 1.5mm •Shank Type: Round Shank •Size: 20mm •Style: Single End •Trade Name: M726 Omega-6

•Mills steels heat treated up to 58-62 HRC with or without coolant •Optomized geometries, stronger cutting edges, superior balance •Five or six high strength flutes for maximum stability and less chatter •50° Helix creates a high shear plane for better efficiency and chip control •AlTiN-X coating

Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - 1.0500


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3/4" Dia. - 1-5/8" LOC - 4" OAL - .030 CR 7FL Carbide End Mill - AlCrNx

Item #: DD4266222
Manufacturer: Imco
Mfg #: 66222

Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Imco •Coating: AlCrNX •Flute Length: 1-5/8 •Material: Solid Carbide •Number of Flutes: 7 •Overall Length: 4 •Radius: .030 •Shank Diameter: 3/4 •Size: 3/4 •Style: Single End •Trade Name: M527 enDURO

•Advanced cutting edge design for higher metal removal in hard-to-machine materials •Unique vibration dampening geometry for maximum tool stability •Specifically designed to run wet or dry on today's high speed, high efficiency machines •40° Helix •AlCrNX Coating

Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .9990


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3/4" Dia. - 1" LOC - 3" OAL - .060 CR 7FL Carbide End Mill - AlCrNx

Item #: DD4266183
Manufacturer: Imco
Mfg #: 66183

Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Imco •Coating: AlCrNX •Flute Length: 1 •Material: Solid Carbide •Number of Flutes: 7 •Overall Length: 3 •Radius: .060 •Shank Diameter: 3/4 •Size: 3/4 •Style: Single End •Trade Name: M527 enDURO

•Advanced cutting edge design for higher metal removal in hard-to-machine materials •Unique vibration dampening geometry for maximum tool stability •Specifically designed to run wet or dry on today's high speed, high efficiency machines •40° Helix •AlCrNX Coating

Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .9990


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MC326.15.9A4LC-WK40TF 4FL SC EM

Item #: FK106579310
Manufacturer: Walter-Prototyp
Mfg #: 6579310

Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Walter-Prototyp •Coating: TiAlN •Flute Length: 3 •Helix Angle: 50 Degrees •Material: Carbide •Model Number: 6579310 •Number of Flutes: 4 •Overall Length: 5 •Radius: None •Shank Diameter: 3/8 •Shank Type: Round •Size: 5/8


Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .7142


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5/8 x 5/8 x 3-3/16 x 4 x 7 Flute .030R 3.5xD Pow-R-Path Mill AlCRNX Coated-Series IPC7-CR

Item #: DD4463416
Manufacturer: Imco
Mfg #: 63416

Technical Specifications:
•Brand Name: Imco •Coating: AlCrNX •Flute Length: 2-3/16 •List No.: IPC7-CR •Material: Solid Carbide •Number of Flutes: 7 •Overall Length: 4 •Radius: .030 •Shank Diameter: 5/8 •Shank Type: Round Shank •Size: 5/8 •Style: Single End •Trade Name: IPC7-CR Pow.R.Path

•Specifically designed to maximize High Efficiency Machining (HEM) techniques •Chip Management System (CMS) for maximum chip evacuation and longer tool life •Corner radius with CMS •40° Helix •AlCrNX Coated

Shipping Info:
•Actual Weight - .5785


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