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MSC Up To 2022 Part 3 - (154063 Products)

Hertel - 1" Diam, Coarse Pitch, 1" LOC, 5 Flute Cobalt Roughing Square End Mill - TiCN Finish, 3-1/2" OAL, 1" Shank Diam, Single End, Centercutting, 30° Helix

Item #: 41120874
Brand: Hertel
Exact Tooling IR#: 04

Features and Benefits

Cobalt is harder than high speed steel and provides better wear resistance. It is commonly used on high tensile alloys.
Titanium carbonitride (TiCN) is harder and more wear resistant than TiN. It is commonly used on stainless steel, cast iron and aluminum alloys.
Product Specifications
Mill Diameter (Inch) 1
Mill Diameter (Decimal Inch) 1.0000
Number of Flutes 5
Pitch Coarse
Length of Cut (Inch) 1
Length of Cut (Decimal Inch) 1.0000
Shank Diameter (Inch) 1
End Type Square End
Material Cobalt
Finish/Coating TiCN
Overall Length (Inch) 3-1/2
Centercutting Center Cutting
Helix Angle 30.00
Extended Reach No
Material Grade M42
Single or Double End Single
Cutting Direction Right Hand
Flute Direction Right Hand
Length Type Regular


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Interstate - 1", 1-5/8" LOC, 1" Shank Diam, 5-7/8" OAL, 2 Flute, High Speed Steel Square End Mill - Double End, TiN Finish, Spiral Flute, 30° Helix, Centercutting, Right Hand Cut, Right Hand Flute

Item #: 01723642
Brand: Interstate
Exact Tooling IR#: 04

Features and Benefits

High speed steel (HSS) provides good wear resistance. It is commonly used for general purpose applications on both ferrous and nonferrous materials.
Titanium Nitride (TiN) is a multi-purpose coating which increases chip flow in softer materials. The heat and hardness resistance allows the tool to run at higher speeds than uncoated tools.
Center Cutting tools have one or more cutting edges at the tip and are used in a variety of applications including plunging, drilling or ramping.
Product Specifications
Mill Diameter (Inch) 1
Mill Diameter (Decimal Inch) 1.0000
Number of Flutes 2
Length of Cut (Inch) 1-5/8
Length of Cut (Decimal Inch) 1.6250
Material High Speed Steel
Finish/Coating TiN
Shank Diameter (Inch) 1
Single or Double End Double
Overall Length (Inch) 5-7/8
Center Cutting Center Cutting
Flute Direction Right Hand
Cutting Direction Right Hand
Helix Angle 30.00
Flute Type Spiral
Length Type Regular
Chipbreaker No
Extended Reach No


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Iscar - 1/2", 4 Flute, Single End, Solid Carbide, 0.01" Corner Radius End Mill - 3" OAL, 38° Helix, Right Hand Flute, 1" LOC, Right Hand Cut

Item #: 91123877
Brand: Iscar
Model #: 5623118
Exact Tooling IR#: 04

Features and Benefits

Solid carbide provides better rigidity than high speed steel. It is extremely heat resistant and used for high speed applications on cast iron, nonferrous materials, plastics and other tough-to-machine materials.
Titanium aluminum nitride (TiAlN) has a higher hardness than TiN and TiCN. It is extremely heat resistant and commonly used for high speed applications on stainless steels, nickel and titanium alloys.
Product Specifications
Mill Diameter (Inch) 1/2
Mill Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.5000
End Type Corner Radius
Corner Radius (Decimal Inch) 0.0100
Number of Flutes 4
Material Solid Carbide
Finish/Coating TiAlN
Length of Cut (Inch) 1
Length of Cut (Decimal Inch) 1.0000
Shank Diameter (Inch) 1/2
Overall Length (Inch) 3
Flute Type Spiral
Cutting Direction Right Hand
Helix Angle 38.00
Material Grade Submicron
Single or Double End Single
Length Type Regular
Centercutting No
Flute Direction Right Hand
Extended Reach No


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Accupro - 3/8", 2 Flute, Single End, Solid Carbide, 0.015" Corner Radius End Mill - 4" OAL, 45° Helix, Right Hand Flute, 1/2" LOC, Right Hand Cut

Item #: 65249369
Brand: Accupro
Exact Tooling IR#: 04

Features and Benefits

Solid carbide provides better rigidity than high speed steel. It is extremely heat resistant and used for high speed applications on cast iron, nonferrous materials, plastics and other tough-to-machine materials.
Zirconium nitride (ZrN) is similar to TiN, but has a higher oxidation temperature. It is commonly used on nonferrous materials including aluminum, brass, copper, and titanium.
Product Specifications
Mill Diameter (Inch) 3/8
Mill Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.3750
End Type Corner Radius
Corner Radius (Decimal Inch) 0.0150
Number of Flutes 2
Material Solid Carbide
Finish/Coating ZrN
Length of Cut (Inch) 1/2
Length of Cut (Decimal Inch) 0.5000
Shank Diameter (Inch) 3/8
Overall Length (Inch) 4
Flute Type Spiral
Cutting Direction Right Hand
Helix Angle 45.00
Material Grade Micrograin
Single or Double End Single
Length Type Long
Centercutting Yes
Flute Direction Right Hand
Mill Diameter Tolerance (Decimal Inch) +0.000/-0.002
Shank Diameter Tolerance (Decimal Inch) +0.0001/-0.0004
Extended Reach No


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Accupro - 3/8", 2 Flute, Single End, Solid Carbide, 0.015" Corner Radius End Mill - 4" OAL, 45° Helix, Right Hand Flute, 1/2" LOC, Right Hand Cut, 2-3/8" Extended Reach

Item #: 65249310
Brand: Accupro
Exact Tooling IR#: 04

Features and Benefits

Solid carbide provides better rigidity than high speed steel. It is extremely heat resistant and used for high speed applications on cast iron, nonferrous materials, plastics and other tough-to-machine materials.
Zirconium nitride (ZrN) is similar to TiN, but has a higher oxidation temperature. It is commonly used on nonferrous materials including aluminum, brass, copper, and titanium.
Product Specifications
Mill Diameter (Inch) 3/8
Mill Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.3750
End Type Corner Radius
Corner Radius (Decimal Inch) 0.0150
Number of Flutes 2
Material Solid Carbide
Finish/Coating ZrN
Length of Cut (Inch) 1/2
Length of Cut (Decimal Inch) 0.5000
Shank Diameter (Inch) 3/8
Overall Length (Inch) 4
Flute Type Spiral
Cutting Direction Right Hand
Helix Angle 45.00
Reach Length (Inch) 2-3/8
Material Grade Micrograin
Single or Double End Single
Length Type Long
Centercutting Yes
Flute Direction Right Hand
Mill Diameter Tolerance (Decimal Inch) +0.000/-0.002
Shank Diameter Tolerance (Decimal Inch) +0.0001/-0.0004
Extended Reach Yes


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Melin Tool - 5/32" Radius, 3 Flute Solid Carbide Corner Rounding End Mill - Single End, Uncoated, 5/16" Tip Diam, 3-1/2" OAL, 1/2" Shank Diam

Item #: 57794455
Brand: Melin Tool
Model #: 16096
Exact Tooling IR#: 04

Features and Benefits

Solid carbide provides better rigidity than high speed steel. It is extremely heat resistant and used for high speed applications on cast iron, nonferrous materials, plastics and other tough-to-machine materials.
Uncoated tools do not feature supportive treatments on the cutting edge. They are are used at reduced speeds for general applications on nonferrous metals.
Product Specifications
Material Solid Carbide
Single or Double End Single
Radius (Inch) 5/32
Radius (Decimal Inch) 0.1563
Number of Flutes 3
Finish/Coating Uncoated
Shank Diameter (Inch) 1/2
Tip Diameter (Inch) 5/16
Tip Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.3125
Overall Length (Inch) 3-1/2
Cutting Direction Right Hand
Helix Angle 0
Radius Tolerance (Decimal Inch) +0.001/-0.001


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Melin Tool - 5/32" Radius, 4 Flute Solid Carbide Corner Rounding End Mill - Single End, Uncoated, 5/16" Tip Diam, 3-1/2" OAL, 1/2" Shank Diam

Item #: 57794398
Brand: Melin Tool
Model #: 16103
Exact Tooling IR#: 04

Features and Benefits

Solid carbide provides better rigidity than high speed steel. It is extremely heat resistant and used for high speed applications on cast iron, nonferrous materials, plastics and other tough-to-machine materials.
Uncoated tools do not feature supportive treatments on the cutting edge. They are are used at reduced speeds for general applications on nonferrous metals.
Product Specifications
Material Solid Carbide
Single or Double End Single
Radius (Inch) 5/32
Radius (Decimal Inch) 0.1563
Number of Flutes 4
Finish/Coating Uncoated
Shank Diameter (Inch) 1/2
Tip Diameter (Inch) 5/16
Tip Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.3125
Overall Length (Inch) 3-1/2
Cutting Direction Right Hand
Helix Angle 0
Radius Tolerance (Decimal Inch) +0.001/-0.001


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Guhring - 10mm, 22mm LOC, 10mm Shank Diam, 72mm OAL, 6 Flute, Solid Carbide Square End Mill - Single End, FIREX Finish, Spiral Flute, 55° Helix, Right Hand Cut, Right Hand Flute, Series 3715

Item #: 58561259
Brand: Guhring
Model #: 9037150100000
Exact Tooling IR#: 04

Features and Benefits

Solid carbide provides better rigidity than high speed steel. It is extremely heat resistant and used for high speed applications on cast iron, nonferrous materials, plastics and other tough-to-machine materials.
FIREX is a multi-layer coating that combines the characteristics of universal applicability of TiN, the heat resistance of TiAlN and the shock resistance of TiCN. FIREX is a proprietary coating exclusive to Guhring, Inc.
Non-Center Cutting applications have peripheral teeth allowing for the user to side (radial) cut or contour an exterior surface. Used in applications where plunge cutting is not necessary.
Product Specifications
Mill Diameter (mm) 10.00
Mill Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.3937
Number of Flutes 6
Length of Cut (mm) 22.00
Length of Cut (Decimal Inch) 0.8661
Material Solid Carbide
Finish/Coating FIREX
Shank Diameter (mm) 10.00
Single or Double End Single
Overall Length (mm) 72.00
Center Cutting NonCenter Cutting
Flute Direction Right Hand
Cutting Direction Right Hand
Helix Angle 55.00
Flute Type Spiral
Length Type Regular
Material Grade Ultra Fine Grain
Chipbreaker No
Extended Reach No
Series/List 3715


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RobbJack - 5/16", 3 Flute, Single End, Solid Carbide, 0.012" Corner Radius End Mill - 3-1/8" OAL, 40° Helix, Right Hand Flute, 5/16" LOC, Right Hand Cut, 1-5/8" Extended Reach

Item #: 61332920
Brand: RobbJack
Model #: FM-305-10-120-D
Exact Tooling IR#: 04

Features and Benefits

Solid carbide provides better rigidity than high speed steel. It is extremely heat resistant and used for high speed applications on cast iron, nonferrous materials, plastics and other tough-to-machine materials.
Diamond-like carbon (DLC) is an extremely hard and durable coating similar to diamond. It is commonly used on stainless steel, ceramic, plastic and aluminum alloys.
Product Specifications
Mill Diameter (Inch) 5/16
Mill Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.3125
End Type Corner Radius
Corner Radius (Decimal Inch) 0.0120
Number of Flutes 3
Material Solid Carbide
Finish/Coating Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC)
Length of Cut (Inch) 5/16
Length of Cut (Decimal Inch) 0.3125
Shank Diameter (Inch) 5/16
Overall Length (Inch) 3-1/8
Flute Type Spiral
Cutting Direction Right Hand
Helix Angle 40
Reach Length (mm) 41.28
Reach Length (Inch) 1-5/8
Reach Length (Decimal Inch) 1.6250
Neck Diameter (mm) 7.54
Neck Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.2969
Single or Double End Single
Centercutting Yes
Flute Direction Right Hand
Mill Diameter Tolerance (mm) -0.0254/-0.0381
Mill Diameter Tolerance (Decimal Inch) -0.001/-0.0015
Shank Diameter Tolerance (mm) -0.002/-0.005
Shank Diameter Tolerance (Decimal Inch) -0.0001/-0.0002
Extended Reach Yes
Overall Length Tolerance (mm) +/-1.53
Overall Length Tolerance (Decimal Inch) ±0.060
TIR Maximum (Decimal Inch) 0.0005
TIR Maximum (mm) 0.01
Series/List FM-305


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RobbJack - 5/16", 3 Flute, Single End, Solid Carbide, 0.09" Corner Radius End Mill - 3-1/8" OAL, 40° Helix, Right Hand Flute, 5/16" LOC, Right Hand Cut, 1-5/8" Extended Reach

Item #: 61332946
Brand: RobbJack
Model #: FM-305-10-090-D
Exact Tooling IR#: 04

Features and Benefits

Solid carbide provides better rigidity than high speed steel. It is extremely heat resistant and used for high speed applications on cast iron, nonferrous materials, plastics and other tough-to-machine materials.
Diamond-like carbon (DLC) is an extremely hard and durable coating similar to diamond. It is commonly used on stainless steel, ceramic, plastic and aluminum alloys.
Product Specifications
Mill Diameter (Inch) 5/16
Mill Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.3125
End Type Corner Radius
Corner Radius (Decimal Inch) 0.0900
Number of Flutes 3
Material Solid Carbide
Finish/Coating Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC)
Length of Cut (Inch) 5/16
Length of Cut (Decimal Inch) 0.3125
Shank Diameter (Inch) 5/16
Overall Length (Inch) 3-1/8
Flute Type Spiral
Cutting Direction Right Hand
Helix Angle 40
Reach Length (mm) 41.28
Reach Length (Inch) 1-5/8
Reach Length (Decimal Inch) 1.6250
Neck Diameter (mm) 7.54
Neck Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.2969
Single or Double End Single
Centercutting Yes
Flute Direction Right Hand
Mill Diameter Tolerance (mm) -0.0254/-0.0381
Mill Diameter Tolerance (Decimal Inch) -0.001/-0.0015
Shank Diameter Tolerance (mm) -0.002/-0.005
Shank Diameter Tolerance (Decimal Inch) -0.0001/-0.0002
Extended Reach Yes
Overall Length Tolerance (mm) +/-1.53
Overall Length Tolerance (Decimal Inch) ±0.060
TIR Maximum (Decimal Inch) 0.0005
TIR Maximum (mm) 0.01
Series/List FM-305


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RobbJack - 5/16", 2 Flute, Single End, Solid Carbide, 0.12" Corner Radius End Mill - 3-1/8" OAL, 40° Helix, Right Hand Flute, 5/16" LOC, Right Hand Cut, 1-5/8" Extended Reach

Item #: 61346144
Brand: RobbJack
Model #: FM-205-10-120-D
Exact Tooling IR#: 04

Features and Benefits

Solid carbide provides better rigidity than high speed steel. It is extremely heat resistant and used for high speed applications on cast iron, nonferrous materials, plastics and other tough-to-machine materials.
Diamond-like carbon (DLC) is an extremely hard and durable coating similar to diamond. It is commonly used on stainless steel, ceramic, plastic and aluminum alloys.
Product Specifications
Mill Diameter (Inch) 5/16
Mill Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.3125
End Type Corner Radius
Corner Radius (Decimal Inch) 0.1200
Number of Flutes 2
Material Solid Carbide
Finish/Coating Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC)
Length of Cut (Inch) 5/16
Length of Cut (Decimal Inch) 0.3125
Shank Diameter (Inch) 5/16
Overall Length (Inch) 3-1/8
Flute Type Spiral
Cutting Direction Right Hand
Helix Angle 40
Reach Length (mm) 41.28
Reach Length (Inch) 1-5/8
Reach Length (Decimal Inch) 1.6250
Neck Diameter (mm) 7.54
Neck Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.2969
Single or Double End Single
Centercutting Yes
Flute Direction Right Hand
Mill Diameter Tolerance (mm) -0.025/-0.035
Mill Diameter Tolerance (Decimal Inch) -0.001/-0.0015
Shank Diameter Tolerance (mm) -0.002/-0.005
Shank Diameter Tolerance (Decimal Inch) -0.0001/-0.0002
Extended Reach Yes
Overall Length Tolerance (mm) +/-1.54
Overall Length Tolerance (Decimal Inch) ±0.060
TIR Maximum (Decimal Inch) 0.0005
TIR Maximum (mm) 0.01
Series/List FM-205


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RobbJack - 5/16", 2 Flute, Single End, Solid Carbide, 0.09" Corner Radius End Mill - 3-1/8" OAL, 40° Helix, Right Hand Flute, 5/16" LOC, Right Hand Cut, 1-5/8" Extended Reach

Item #: 61346169
Brand: RobbJack
Model #: FM-205-10-090-D
Exact Tooling IR#: 04

Features and Benefits

Solid carbide provides better rigidity than high speed steel. It is extremely heat resistant and used for high speed applications on cast iron, nonferrous materials, plastics and other tough-to-machine materials.
Diamond-like carbon (DLC) is an extremely hard and durable coating similar to diamond. It is commonly used on stainless steel, ceramic, plastic and aluminum alloys.
Product Specifications
Mill Diameter (Inch) 5/16
Mill Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.3125
End Type Corner Radius
Corner Radius (Decimal Inch) 0.0900
Number of Flutes 2
Material Solid Carbide
Finish/Coating Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC)
Length of Cut (Inch) 5/16
Length of Cut (Decimal Inch) 0.3125
Shank Diameter (Inch) 5/16
Overall Length (Inch) 3-1/8
Flute Type Spiral
Cutting Direction Right Hand
Helix Angle 40
Reach Length (mm) 41.28
Reach Length (Inch) 1-5/8
Reach Length (Decimal Inch) 1.6250
Neck Diameter (mm) 7.54
Neck Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.2969
Single or Double End Single
Centercutting Yes
Flute Direction Right Hand
Mill Diameter Tolerance (mm) -0.025/-0.035
Mill Diameter Tolerance (Decimal Inch) -0.001/-0.0015
Shank Diameter Tolerance (mm) -0.002/-0.005
Shank Diameter Tolerance (Decimal Inch) -0.0001/-0.0002
Extended Reach Yes
Overall Length Tolerance (mm) +/-1.54
Overall Length Tolerance (Decimal Inch) ±0.060
TIR Maximum (Decimal Inch) 0.0005
TIR Maximum (mm) 0.01
Series/List FM-205


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Niagara Cutter - 3/4" Diam, Coarse Pitch, 2" LOC, 4 Flute Cobalt Roughing Square End Mill - TiCN Finish, 4-1/4" OAL, 3/4" Shank Diam, Single End, Centercutting, 30° Helix

Item #: 45542230
Brand: Niagara Cutter
Model #: N79536
Exact Tooling IR#: 04

Features and Benefits

Cobalt is harder than high speed steel and provides better wear resistance. It is commonly used on high tensile alloys.
Titanium carbonitride (TiCN) is harder and more wear resistant than TiN. It is commonly used on stainless steel, cast iron and aluminum alloys.
Product Specifications
Mill Diameter (Inch) 3/4
Mill Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.7500
Number of Flutes 4
Pitch Coarse
Length of Cut (Inch) 2
Length of Cut (Decimal Inch) 2.0000
Shank Diameter (Inch) 3/4
End Type Square End
Material Cobalt
Finish/Coating TiCN
Overall Length (Inch) 4-1/4
Centercutting Center Cutting
Helix Angle 30.00
Extended Reach No
Single or Double End Single
Cutting Direction Right Hand
Flute Direction Right Hand
Mill Diameter Tolerance (Decimal Inch) +0.003/-0.000
Shank Diameter Tolerance (Decimal Inch) -0.0001/-0.0005
Overall Length Tolerance (Decimal Inch) +0.062/-0.000
Series/List REC700


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Hertel - 1" Diam, Fine Pitch, 2" LOC, 5 Flute Cobalt Roughing Square End Mill - TiAlN Finish, 4-1/2" OAL, 1" Shank Diam, Single End, 30° Helix

Item #: 84512797
Brand: Hertel
Exact Tooling IR#: 04

Features and Benefits

Cobalt is harder than high speed steel and provides better wear resistance. It is commonly used on high tensile alloys.
Titanium Aluminum Nitride (TiAlN) has a higher hardness and oxidation temperature versus TiN and TiCN. As a result, it is particularly advantageous for higher speed operations in a variety of steel machining applications.
Product Specifications
Mill Diameter (Inch) 1
Mill Diameter (Decimal Inch) 1.0000
Number of Flutes 5
Pitch Fine
Length of Cut (Inch) 2
Length of Cut (Decimal Inch) 2.0000
Shank Diameter (Inch) 1
End Type Square End
Material Cobalt
Finish/Coating TiAlN
Overall Length (Inch) 4-1/2
Centercutting NonCenter Cutting
Helix Angle 30.00
Extended Reach No
Material Grade M42
Single or Double End Single
Cutting Direction Right Hand
Flute Direction Right Hand


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Niagara Cutter - 7/8" Diam, Coarse Pitch, 1-7/8" LOC, 5 Flute Cobalt Roughing Square End Mill - TiCN Finish, 4-1/8" OAL, 3/4" Shank Diam, Single End, 30° Helix

Item #: 45517240
Brand: Niagara Cutter
Model #: N69302
Exact Tooling IR#: 04

Features and Benefits

Cobalt is harder than high speed steel and provides better wear resistance. It is commonly used on high tensile alloys.
Titanium carbonitride (TiCN) is harder and more wear resistant than TiN. It is commonly used on stainless steel, cast iron and aluminum alloys.
Product Specifications
Mill Diameter (Inch) 7/8
Mill Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.8750
Number of Flutes 5
Pitch Coarse
Length of Cut (Inch) 1-7/8
Length of Cut (Decimal Inch) 1.8750
Shank Diameter (Inch) 3/4
End Type Square End
Material Cobalt
Finish/Coating TiCN
Overall Length (Inch) 4-1/8
Centercutting NonCenter Cutting
Helix Angle 30.00
Extended Reach No
Material Grade M42
Single or Double End Single
Cutting Direction Right Hand
Flute Direction Right Hand
Length Type Regular
Mill Diameter Tolerance (Decimal Inch) +0.003/-0.000
Shank Diameter Tolerance (Decimal Inch) -0.0001/-0.0005
Overall Length Tolerance (Decimal Inch) +0.062/-0.000
Series/List REM710


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OSG - 3/4" Diam, Coarse Pitch, 2-1/4" LOC, 4 Flute, Cobalt Square Roughing End Mill - TiCN Finish, 4-1/2" OAL, 3/4" Shank Diam, Single End, 30° Helix

Item #: 44872166
Brand: OSG
Model #: 4501008
Exact Tooling IR#: 04

Features and Benefits

Cobalt is harder than high speed steel and provides better wear resistance. It is commonly used on high tensile alloys.
Titanium carbonitride (TiCN) is harder and more wear resistant than TiN. It is commonly used on stainless steel, cast iron and aluminum alloys.
Product Specifications
Mill Diameter (Inch) 3/4
Mill Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.7500
Number of Flutes 4
Pitch Coarse
Length of Cut (Inch) 2-1/4
Length of Cut (Decimal Inch) 2.2500
Shank Diameter (Inch) 3/4
End Type Square End
Material Cobalt
Finish/Coating TiCN
Overall Length (Inch) 4-1/2
Centercutting NonCenter Cutting
Helix Angle 30.00
Extended Reach No
Material Grade M42
Single or Double End Single
Cutting Direction Right Hand
Flute Direction Right Hand
Overall Length (Decimal Inch) 4.5000
Series/List 450


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Niagara Cutter - 1" Diam, Coarse Pitch, 2" LOC, 5 Flute Cobalt Roughing Square End Mill - Uncoated, 4-1/4" OAL, 3/4" Shank Diam, Single End, 30° Helix

Item #: 45524063
Brand: Niagara Cutter
Model #: N71330
Exact Tooling IR#: 04

Features and Benefits

Cobalt is harder than high speed steel and provides better wear resistance. It is commonly used on high tensile alloys.
Uncoated tools do not feature supportive treatments on the cutting edge. They are used at reduced speeds for general applications on nonferrous metals.
Product Specifications
Mill Diameter (Inch) 1
Mill Diameter (Decimal Inch) 1.0000
Number of Flutes 5
Pitch Coarse
Length of Cut (Inch) 2
Length of Cut (Decimal Inch) 2.0000
Shank Diameter (Inch) 3/4
End Type Square End
Material Cobalt
Finish/Coating Uncoated
Overall Length (Inch) 4-1/4
Centercutting NonCenter Cutting
Helix Angle 30.00
Extended Reach No
Single or Double End Single
Cutting Direction Right Hand
Flute Direction Right Hand
Mill Diameter Tolerance (Decimal Inch) +0.003/-0.000
Shank Diameter Tolerance (Decimal Inch) -0.0001/-0.0005
Overall Length Tolerance (Decimal Inch) +0.062/-0.000
Series/List REM710


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Hertel - 1" Diam, Fine Pitch, 2" LOC, 5 Flute Cobalt 45° Roughing Square End Mill - TiCN Finish, 4-1/2" OAL, 1" Shank Diam, Single End, 30° Helix

Item #: 84511898
Brand: Hertel
Exact Tooling IR#: 04

Features and Benefits

Cobalt is harder than high speed steel and provides better wear resistance. It is commonly used on high tensile alloys.
Titanium carbonitride (TiCN) is harder and more wear resistant than TiN. It is commonly used on stainless steel, cast iron and aluminum alloys.
Product Specifications
Mill Diameter (Inch) 1
Mill Diameter (Decimal Inch) 1.0000
Number of Flutes 5
Pitch Fine
Length of Cut (Inch) 2
Length of Cut (Decimal Inch) 2.0000
Shank Diameter (Inch) 1
End Type Square End
Material Cobalt
Finish/Coating TiCN
Overall Length (Inch) 4-1/2
Centercutting NonCenter Cutting
Helix Angle 30.00
Extended Reach No
Chamfer Angle 45
Material Grade M42
Single or Double End Single
Cutting Direction Right Hand
Flute Direction Right Hand


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Niagara Cutter - 1" Diam, Fine Pitch, 2" LOC, 5 Flute Cobalt Roughing Square End Mill - Uncoated, 4-1/4" OAL, 3/4" Shank Diam, Single End, 30° Helix

Item #: 33060153
Brand: Niagara Cutter
Model #: N45453
Exact Tooling IR#: 04

Features and Benefits

Cobalt is harder than high speed steel and provides better wear resistance. It is commonly used on high tensile alloys.
Uncoated tools do not feature supportive treatments on the cutting edge. They are used at reduced speeds for general applications on nonferrous metals.
Product Specifications
Mill Diameter (Inch) 1
Mill Diameter (Decimal Inch) 1.0000
Number of Flutes 5
Pitch Fine
Length of Cut (Inch) 2
Length of Cut (Decimal Inch) 2.0000
Shank Diameter (Inch) 3/4
End Type Square End
Material Cobalt
Finish/Coating Uncoated
Overall Length (Inch) 4-1/4
Centercutting NonCenter Cutting
Helix Angle 30.00
Extended Reach No
Single or Double End Single
Cutting Direction Right Hand
Flute Direction Right Hand
Mill Diameter Tolerance (Decimal Inch) +0.003/-0.000
Shank Diameter Tolerance (Decimal Inch) -0.0001/-0.0005
Overall Length Tolerance (Decimal Inch) +0.062/-0.000
Series/List REM445


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Supermill - Ball End Mills; Mill Diameter (Inch): 1/2 ; Mill Diameter (Decimal Inch): 0.5000 ; Number of Flutes: 4 ; Length of Cut (Inch): 1-1/4 ; Length of Cut (Decimal Inch): 1.2500 ; Material: Solid Carbide

Item #: 58143322
Brand: Supermill
Model #: XPB500L

Product Specifications

Ball End Mills; Mill Diameter (Inch): 1/2 ; Mill Diameter (Decimal Inch): 0.5000 ; Number of Flutes: 4 ; Length of Cut (Inch): 1-1/4 ; Length of Cut (Decimal Inch): 1.2500 ; Material: Solid Carbide
Mill Diameter (Inch) 1/2
Mill Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.5000
Number of Flutes 4
Length of Cut (Inch) 1-1/4
Length of Cut (Decimal Inch) 1.2500
Material Solid Carbide
Overall Length (Inch) 3
Overall Length (Decimal Inch) 3.00000
Shank Diameter (Inch) 1/2
Shank Diameter (Decimal Inch) 0.5000
Finish/Coating AlCrN
Single or Double End Single
Helix Angle 45
Variable Index Yes
Variable Helix No
Material Grade Micrograin
Series/List XPB
Cutting Direction Right Hand


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